This study was to test the effectiveness of Web-based multimedia contents for Physical Examination and Health Assessment on learning achievement.
Multimedia contents based on Jung's teaching and learning structure model were used to enhance learning achievement. Learning achievement was measured by the knowledge of Physical Examination and Health Assessment. The participants of this study were students in a BSN and RN-BSN program in a university located in Seoul. 59 students in the experimental group received lectures using web-based multimedia contents and 75 students in the control group received regular lectures.
The mean score of the degree of educational achievement in the experimental group(mean=31.09) was significantly higher than in the control group(mean=25.55)(t=-3.883, p=.000).
These web-based multimedia contents were found to maximizethe effectiveness of the teaching process when used as a teaching aid, and yet kept the strength of a face to face teaching learning method. This program is recommended as part of a main text, vital teaching aid or cyber lecture materials in nursing schools and in health care educational institutions.