The purpose of this study is to identify the influencing factors in a crisis state while considering the relationship between them, to suggest the crisis model for early adolescent, and to test its fitness empirically.
A hypothetical model of this study was consisted of 8 theoretical variables and 12 measurable variables with 15 constructed paths. The data from the 439 middle school students at crisis state were analyzed to test the hypothetical model by using covariance structure analysis.
The final model which is modified from the hypothetical model improved to x2=46.79(df=34, p<0.71), GFI(0.98), AGFI(0.95), NNFI(0.99), NFI(0.98), RMR (0.02), Normed x2(1.38), Critical N(525.83). The crisis state was influenced directly by vulnerability of personality, precipitating events, stress, social support, coping strategy and also indirectly by social support. Crisis state was accountable for 65% of the variance by these factors.
This model can offer understanding for the comprehensive multivariate covariance relationship of the influencing factors regarding the crisis of early adolescent, and can offer a preventive perspective focused on growth potential. I propose that a repeated study of complementing coping strategy should be done and the various crisis prevention and intervention strategies should be developed based on the results of this study.