The relationship between the attitude and satisfaction for sexuality of pregnant women was observed to
provide rationales of nursing intervention to help promote healthy sexual lifestyles. Questionnaires were
collected from 211 obstetric outpatients of H university hospital in C city, Korea from February to May
1999. The research tools were D.S.F.I (Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory in Korean, Chronbach's alpha=
0.710) and Sexuality Satisfaction Method (Kim, 1997, Chronbach's alpha =0.864). Data was analyzed for
frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA by Windows SAS. The results
of this study were as follows: Mean age of the subjects were 29.8; the average score of attitude to sex was
moderate (27.60), and that of satisfaction sex was high (54.11); the positive relationship was shown
between attitude and satisfaction for sexuality (r=0.51, p=.000); the higher educational and income levels
of pregnant women and their husbands, were the better the attitude and satisfaction for was; professional
women had better attitude than housewives. According to the results, it is suggested that the study is
necessary to develop an effective nursing intervention related with the sexuality of pregnant women.