Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.56(3) > 1062330

Lee, Ham, Chin, Lee, Kim, Kim, Lee, Lee, Yum, and Choi: A Case of Drug Induced Interstitial Pneumonitis by Gemcitabine


Gemcitabine is an effective newly developed chemotherapeutic agent, which is increasingly being used to treat non-small cell lung, ovarian and breast cancers. Pulmonary toxicity is usually self-limiting mild dyspnea, bronchospasm, but severe pulmonary toxicity is rarely reported. Herein, we report drug induced interstitial lung disease associated with gemcitabine treatment. High resolution computerized tomogram (HRCT) showed an increased ground glass opacity and thickened septal lines. The patient showed a rapid good response with prednisolone treatment.

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