Oxygen concentrators are convenient to operate and economical for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, oxygen concentrators are not manufactured domestically and the COPD patients are currently treated with imported oxygen concentrators. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of domestically developed prototype oxygen concentrator before clinical application, the efficacy and safety of the domestic oxygen concentrator were evaluate by comparing with the imported one. Meterial and
The clinical tests were performed on 36 hyperhydrosis patients from April 1999 to August 1999. Domestic and imported oxygen concentrators were in turn applied to the same patient, who inspired oxygen for 60 minutes at a rate of 3 liters per minute through nasal prong. The oxygen concentrator, which was applied first, was randomly allocated. The arterial partial oxygen pressure (PaO2) was estimated to compare the efficacy; and the carboxy hemoglobin(COHb), pH, arterial CO2 partial pressure, pulse rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate to compare the safety before and after applying each oxygen concentrator. A student t-test was used to analyze the results.
In respect to efficacy, the difference in the change of PaO2 before and after the application between two concentrators was not statistically significant. In respect to safety, the differences in the changes of COHb, pH, partial pressure of arterial CO2, pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration rate between two concentrators were also not statistically significant.