Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.50(5) > 1061971

Park, Ko, Shim, Yang, and Jeong: Two Cases of Spleen Tuberculosis


Tuberculosis is a common chronic infectious disease, although the spleen is an uncommon organ to harbor tubercle bacilli. Immunocompromised subjects are primarily prone to miliary tuberculosis and in them the spleen is invaded by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Spleen tuberculosis is manifested commonly as a miliary form. The basic pathology is granulomatous inflammation. The CT finding of splenic tuberculosis are multiple, well-defined, roung or ovoid, low-density masses. Lymphadenopathy in the abdomen and mediastinum and pleural effusion can be found. We report two cases with tuberculosis of the spleen proved by computed tomography and histologic identification. One paitient did not improve following antituberculous medication, so splenectomy was performed. The other patient has been treated with antituberculous medication.

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