Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.50(4) > 1061956

Choi, Yoo, Oh, Cho, and Kang: A Case of Metastatic Tracheal Tumor From Ovarian Carcinoma


Tracheal tumors are uncommon comprising less than 0.1% of all malignancies. Metastatic tracheal tumors, especially form the extrathoracic sites, are exceedingly rare. Ovarian cancer tends to metastasize to the serous cavities and the lymph nodes. One large autopsy study reported tracheal involvement in 1% of patients who had died from ovarian cancer. Other studies have not mentioned tracheal involvement at all. Since the main symptoms of cough, hemoptysis, or wheezing are nonspecific, patients may be initially treated for other conditions including asthma or bronchitis. Here we describe a metastatic tracheal tumor from an overain carcinoma that was initally treated for bronchial asthma.

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