Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.49(2) > 1061852

Lee, Kim, Cho, Rhu, and Cho: A Case of intramedullary spinal tuberculoma and multiple brain tuberculoma associated with pulmonary tuberculosis


Tuberculomas in the spine are estimated to be 15 to 50 times less common than those occurring in the cranium. We experienced a case of intramedullary spinal tuberculoma and brain tuberculoma associated with pulmonary tuberculosis. A 39-year-old male was referred to the National Medical Center via emergency room because of urinary difficulty and lower limb weakness for 3 days. He had been treated with anti-tuberculosis regimens against pulmonary tuberculosis for 20 days. Spinal MRI revealed intradural intramedullary tuberculoma at T5. On the 21st day at the hospital, a generalized seizure attacked him. Brain MRI revealed multiple tuberculoma in both hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum. He was treated anti-tuberculosis regimens and corticosteroids for 9 months. His condition improved clinically and radiologically. We report this case with a review of the literature.

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