Granular Cell Tumors(GCT) were originally described as myoblastic
myomas. Subsequent scientific investigations elucidated the origin
of this tumor as Schwann cells . Usually they have a predilection
for head and neck, but also can occur in many other organs.
This tumor is believed to originate from Schwann cells based on
subsequent scientific investigations. Although it usually appears
in the head and neck, it can also appear in other organs, as well.
Endobronchial granular cell tumors are rather rare and should be
differentiated from other common diseases of endobronchial location
endobronchial diseases such as bronchogenic carcinoma and endobronchial
tuberculosis, especially in Korea . We report a A case of a patient
with an extremely rare condition of endobronchial granular cell tumor
concurrent with malignant mediastinal tumor in a patient (delete)
is reported.