Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.47(6) > 1061750

Yoo, Yoon, Kim, Sohn, Yang, Yoon, Shin, Park, and Jung: A Case of Tracheal Papillomas Treated With Bronchofibroscopic Nd-YAG Laser Therapy


In contrast to juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis, which occurs most often in children and teenagers and is usually self limited, soliatry papilomas in adults are one of uncommon tumors of airway, and have a higher incidence of cancer. They are caused by the respiratory infection of human papilloma virus(HPV). They culd spread to more distal airways and have a tendency of recurrence after limited surgical excision. Recently endoscopic therapies such as Nd-YAG laser, electrocautery, and cryotherapy provide extremely effective treatment modalities. We report a case of solitary tracheal papillomas in a 48 year-old man who presented with cough, scanty hemoptysis, and functional evidence of central airway obstruction. He was successfully treated by a Nd-TAG laser therapy via fiberoptic bronchoscopy under the local anesthesia.

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