Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.46(3) > 1061606

Kwon, Park, Lee, Lee, Kim, Kim, Hwang, Yu, and Hwang: A case of primary pulmonary angiocentric lymphoma manifested as a mass


The primary pulmonary lymphomas are uncommon, accounting for 0.5% of primary lung tumor and 0.4% of all malignant lymphomas. The majority of primary pulmonary lymphomas are of B-cell originating from bronchus associated lymphoid tissue(BALT). Angiocentric lymphoma is a rare type of primary pulmonary lymphomas characterized by polymorphic lymphoid infiltrates, which make it even more difficult to differentiate from benign infiltration. The radiographic findings are variable, depending on the stage of evolution of the disease. The prognosis of angiocentric lymphoma is poor, nearly two-thirds of the patients with grade 2 or 3 angiocentic lymphomas were died within a year of diagnosis. We report a case of primary pulmonary angiocentric lymphoma manifested as a mass of right lower lobe.

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