Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.45(4) > 1061554

Lee, Kim, Kwon, Lee, Lee, Lee, Suh, Shim, Cho, In, Kang, and Yoo: Tracheal Papillomatosis Causing Upper Airway Obstruction


Tracheal papillomatosis is rare. When the disease starts during childhood, it usually appears to be self-limiting if properly managed. In adults, however, the disease sometimes rims a more protracted course with a higher risk of developing cancer. The tumors are derived from the tracheal surface epithelium and tracheal mucous glands and usually grow exophytically. Treatment has traditionally been with repeated endoscopic resection. However, in view of its viral origin, attempts have been made to control the disease with interferon. A67 years-old man was presented with exertional dyspnea. He was treated for bronchial asthma at another hospital. There was no improvement in his symptom. lie was referred to this hospital, and a bronchoscopic biopsy showed tracheal papillomatosis. lie was undergone bronchoscopic laser therapy with symptomatic improvement.

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