Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.45(1) > 1061501

Seo, Park, Kim, Son, Cho, and Rhu: Clinical Study of Primary Carcinoma of The Lung(III)


BACKGROUND: Lung cancer continues to increase worldwide. Also, the proportion of female patients incease and adenocarcinoma is the predominant histological type among lung cancer in many western countries. So, we studied these current trends of lung cancer by clinical approach of recent patients from our department. METHOD: We conducted a retrospective analysis on 212 subjects who were diagnosed with lung cancer at the department of chest medicine in National Medical Center between January 1990 and July 1996. The contents of analysis were patient's profile, clinical manifestation, smoking habits, accuracy of diagnostic methods, histological cell type, staging and treatment, etc. RESULTS: The results were as follows. 1) The ratio of male to female was 5.2:1. The peak incidence of age was 7th decade(35.4 %). 2) Chief complaints were cough, dyspnea and chest pain, etc. The most common duration of symptoms before the first admission was less than 3 months(57.7%). On the other side, duration more than 1 year represented 6.5%. The early diagnosed patients has been increased from the 1980s. 3) Smokers among the total patients were 77.2%. The proportion of smokers in sqamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma were 88.4%, 85.7% and 55.7%, respectively. Smoking history and histological cell type were correlated in squamous and small cell carcinoma. 4) Squamous cell carcinoma is still the predominant histological type(44.8%), but, adenocarcinoma increased more than the previous study(30.7%). The other histological types were small cell carcinoma(17.0%) and large cell carcinoma(3.8%) in order of their proportions. 5) The accuracy of diagnostic methods were as follows : sputum cytology 75.3%, bronchoscopic biopsy 65.7%, lymph node aspiration cytology 95.8%, percutaneous lung aspiration cytology 94.6% and open lung biopsy 100%. The general accuracies of diagnostic methods were improved than previous studies. 6) Performance status scales on admission were relatively good. After diagnosis, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy were undertaken in 69.3% of the patients, and only 7.5% of the patients were operated. CONCLUSION: In our study, squamous cell carcinoma is still the predominant histological cell type, but, adenocarcinoma continues to increase. Because adenocarcinoma is less correlated with smoking habits, further evaluation of other carcinogens than smoking is requested. Screening and early diagnosis of lung cancer is important for good performance status scales in spite of advanced stages. But, we think that the prevention, for example, stop smokings is more important as because of no perfect treatment for lung cancer.

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