Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.44(3) > 1061391

Lee, Park, Sung, Kim, Lee, Park, Kim, and Hur: A Case Report of Neurilemmoma of the Chest Wall


Benign solitary schwannoma of the chest wall is a rare disease of nerve sheath origin A 43-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital for right upper quandrant pain Chest X-ray shows nonspecific finding, ultrasonography & CT scan revealed a solid tumor on the right lateral chest wall. On aspiration needle biopsy, this mass was turned out to be a schwannoma of the right lateral chest wall. This mass was excised surgically in an encapsulated state by right lateral thoracotomy. Histological section revealed a typical schwannoma, which is characterized by Antoni A and Antoni B tissues of high & low cellularity.

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