BACKGROUND: To assess the diagnostic role of bronchoscopic lavage for the evaluation of peumonia in intensive care unit(ICU), the results were compared to blind endobronchial specimen.
METHOD: From September 1993 to August 1996, twenty-eight ICU patients suspected peumonia on the basis of clinical evidence and performed bronchoscopy under the diagnostic or therapeutic purpose were studied retrospectively for the clinical findings including culture of bronchoscopic and blind endobronchial specimen. Bronchoscopic specimen was got through small amount of bronchoalveolar lavage with 20-40ml saline, one or two times on the suspected site.
RESULTS: 1. Main reasons of ICU admission were respiratory and impending respiratory failure. Nosocomial pneumonia was most common with 16 cases ; each for community acquired and immunocompromised type with 6 cases. Diagnostic purpose of bronchoscopy was performed in 20 cases as 71 percent in total, whereas therapeutic removal of secretion in 8 cases. The complication during bronchoscopic evaluation was trivial. 2. The agreement between blind endobronchial and bronchoscopic specimen on microbial culture was only 39.3 percent. However, 2 cases each for aspergillosis and tuberculosis were diagnosed under bronchoscopic evaluation. 3. The application of mechanical ventilation occured significantly frequently in multidrug resistant pneumonia compared with other pneumonia in terms of bronchoscopic specimen. 4. The application of mechanical ventilation was significantly common in nosocomial peumonia compared with other types of pneumonia.
CONCLUSION: The selective bronchoalveolar lavage and therapeutic removal of bronchial secretion with bronchoscopy in ICU patient accompanying pneumonia is a very useful tool with safety. The multidrug resistant pneumonia or nosocomial pneumonia could be closely associated with the use of mechanical ventilation