Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.43(1) > 1061275

Koh, Baik, Woo, Park, and Chung: Diaphragmatic Paralysis Induced by Herpes Zoster


The motor complications after herpes zoster infection are uncommon, but, the association of muscular paralysis and zoster has been reported for several times. The association between diaphragmatic paralysis and zoster was for the first time reported by Halpern and Covner. The case presented below showed right diaphragmatic paralysis following herpes zoster of C3 and C4 region of dermatome on the right side. A 59-year-old man was found to have a paralysed hemidiaphragm within two months of the appearance of typical herpes zoster rashs involving his right shoulder and neck. Investigations, including bronchoscopy, failed to detect other cause for the diaphragmatic paralysis. We believe that the cervical zoster and diaphragmatic paralysis were causally related.

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