Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.42(5) > 1061128

Won, Cha, Park, Kim, Park, and Jung: A Clinical Review of Broncholithiasis


BACKGROUND: Broncholithiasis is uncommon but clinically important because it may cause a variety of nonspecific symptoms and signs prior to the onset of lithoptysis, and rarely massive hemoptysis. METHOD: A retrospective clinical study was done on 11 case of broncholithiasis diagnosed at Kyungpook National University Hospital from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1993. The study investigated the clinical features, radiologic findings, bronchoscopic findings and management. RESULTS: 1) The common symptoms included cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, fever and purulent sputum. Lithoptysis occurred in 3 patients. 2) The radiologic findings were variable and nonspecific. Hilar calcification and parenchymal calcification were the most common findings. 3) The bronchoscopy was performed in 10 patients and revealed broncholiths in 9 patients. 4) Chemical composition of broncholiths was analyzed in 2 patients. Calcium carbonate was main component. 5) In 6 out of 9 patients in whom broncholiths was revealed by bronchoscopy, broncholiths were successfully extracted through the flexible bronchoscope. 6) In 9 patients, broncholithiasis was related to tuberculosis and in 1 case, related to silicosis. CONCLUSION: Broncholithiasis shows a variable clinical spectrum. Tuberculosis is the most common cause of broncholithiasis. In the case of no accompanied complication, nonsurgical management such as bronchoscopic removal and conservative therapy is an effective measure.

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