Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.41(5) > 1061028

Won, Park, Jeon, Baik, Jeong, Suh, and Son: The Effect of Pleurodesis with Doxycycline in the Rabbit



The intrapleural instillation of tetracycline for pleural sclerosis had been most commonly used in patients with symptomatic malignant pleural effusion or recurrent pneumothorax for a long time. Unfortunately, at a time of expanding use of this agent, the production of injectable tetracycline hydrochloride used for pleurodesis was discontinued by its sole manufacturer in mid-1991 because the manufacturer was unable to meet US Food and Drug Administration purity standards. So we performed a preliminary study of doxycycline, as a alternative pleural sclerosant on rabbit pleura and compared its efficacy with that of tetracycline.


Eighteen New Zealand white rabbits weighing 2 to 3kg(mean 2.6kg) were divided into three groups. In each groups, one tetracycline(20 mg/ml/kg) and two doxycycline solutions(7 mg/ml/kg and 20 mg/ml/kg) instillated into the right pleural space through an 18-gauge angiocath with care to prevent pneumothorax. All rabbits were sacrificed after 28 days.


1) In the group of tetracycline 20 mg/ml/kg(six rabbits), five rabbits showed partial pleural symphysis with several fibrous bands, and one rabbit died on 22th day. 2) In the group of doxycycline 7 mg/ml/kg(six rabbits), three rabbits showed partial pleural symphysis and the other three rabbits showed complete pleural symphysis without necrosis of underlying parenchymal lung tissue. 3) In the group of doxycycline 20 mg/ml/kg(six rabbits), two rabbits showed complete pleural symphysis without lung necrosis, another two rabbits showed complete pleural symphysis with lung necrosis, and the other two rabbits died on 4th and 13th day, respectively.


We concluded that doxycycline is a highly effective sclerosing agent having stronger pleurodesis effect with that of tetracycline by dose base and its optimal dosage was considered as 7 mg/ml/kg with minimal complications.

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