Journal List > Tuberc Respir Dis > v.41(3) > 1061000

Lee, Ryu, Park, Park, Yang, Choi, Kwak, Cha, and Kim: A Case of Tuberculous Pneumonitis With Continuous High Spiking Fever


A 33-year old male was admitted due to continuous high spiking fever for 2 months via local clinic. He had been diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis at local clinic. However, spiking fever had not been controlled by anti-tuberculous medications. Chest PA showed confluent consolidation on right upper & mid-lung field. 5 anti-tuberculous regimens (Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Rifampin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamaide) were administered initially and steroid therapy was followed for relieving toxic symptoms Very slowly resolved chest X-ray lesion and continuous fever suggested the possibility of misdiagnosis. After 60th hospital day, the chest X-ray lesion was resolved gradually and fever subsided almost completely. He was discharged on 76th hospital day with anti-tuberculous drugs and steroid(prednisolon), without any other problems except sustained mild fever.

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