This study was performed to identify levels of clinical practice stress and coping strategies according to the personality/behavior types of nursing students.
The subjects of this study were 143 third- and fourth-grade nursing students in 14 nursing colleges who had experienced clinical practice. The questionnaire consisted of instruments to identify Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness (DISC) personality/behavior types, clinical stress, and stress coping strategies. The data were analyzed using Cronbach's α, descriptive statistics, and ANOVA, using the SPSS 24.0 program.
The DISC pattern showed high priority in Steadiness (48.3%), followed by Conscientiousness (21.0%), Influence (16.1%), and Dominance (14.7%), in that order. The steadiness type showed the lowest level of stress among four patterns.
This study found that the personality/behavior types of nursing students differ. Additionally, different personality/behavior types can be attributed to stress levels and stress coping behaviors. Based on these results, different personality and behavior types of nursing students should be considered to manage their stress levels related to the clinical practicum experience.
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