Journal List > Perspect Nurs Sci > v.14(1) > 1060429

Kim: Factors Affecting Nursing Students' Activeness in Clinical Education



The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing students' active practice in clinical nursing education and to find ways to improve them.


In this study, the factors affecting students' practice in nursing clinical practice were reviewed and their opinions were discussed.


A limited clinical practice environment, lack of a role model of leading and independent nurse interferes with the active practice of nursing students and negatively affects the image of nurses. On the other hand, semantics that links practice to students'life supports active practice.


Clinical practicum educators should actively carry out the role of introducing students to rational of their practice, and arrange meetings with nurses and students who carry out nursing care independently with leadership. In addition, the clinical nursing education should include courses that allow students to discuss the various issues they have in the nursing practice.


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