Journal List > Clin Exp Vaccine Res > v.4(2) > 1059445

Cho, Ryu, and Yoo: Suggested guidelines for vaccination of cattle in Korea


There is no published vaccination guideline to cattle even though each vaccine company suggested the program based on their products. Also, most of veterinary vaccines are multivalent. Therefore, it is very difficult to standardize the program. Now, we are suggesting the general vaccine programs based current situations in cattle industry in Korea.

Infectious diseases are one of the burdens in the beef and dairy production. Therefore, vaccination has been considered as an important component of control and prevent infectious diseases. To maximize the vaccine effects, other factors such as good nutrition, adequate ventilation, effective sanitation, and other herd management procedures should be properly worked because vaccines help the prevention of infectious diseases. Although several vaccines have been developed and applied to both beef and dairy industries, vaccination programs are variable depending on farm situation without the standardized program.
About 3.5 million of cattle in both beef and dairy cattle are raising in Korea which is indicating the current situation of cattle industry in Korea. Number of cattle was increased during the last decade, especially Korean native cattle, Hanwoo. Increase in the number of animals is closely related with the increase of outbreak in infectious diseases. Therefore, several vaccines for cattle have been developed and used in cattle industry. However, vaccination programs are different depending on the situation of countries, regions, farms and farmer's attitude.
Therefore, vaccination program should be developed in cooperation with the field veterinarian based on individual herd circumstances, including disease history, management, housing, feeding practices, breeding, etc. However, it is not easy to develop the vaccination program with field veterinarians in Korea. Therefore, we would like to suggest generalized vaccination guidelines in our country (Tables 1, 2). But, these guidelines are adjustable to each farm depending on the current situation of each farm in management and immunological status.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Suggested vaccine programs for diary cattle
Disease Age Vaccination time Route Type of vaccine
Anthrax+black legs All ages with more than 6 months old April every year SC Combined (2 types)
Respiratory diseasesa) Adult 1st: April every year IM Combined (5 types)
2nd: October every year
Feeders and calves 1st: 3 months old
2nd: 4 months old
Diarrhea vaccine for calvesb) Cow (first parity) 1st: 5-6 weeks before calving IM Combined (3 types)
2nd: 2-3 weeks before calving
Cow (from second parity) At 2-3 weeks before calving
Akabane disease Adult March every year SC Single
Feeder with more than 6 months old 1st: March every year
2nd: April every year
Bovine ephemeral fever Adult May every year IM Single
Feeder with more than 6 months old 1st: May every year
2nd: June every year
Foot and mouth disease Adults and feeder Every 6 months IM Combined (3 types)
Calves 1st: 2 months old
2nd: at 4 weeks after 1st inoculation
Rabies All ages with 6 months old June every year IM Single

SC, subcutaneous; IM, intramuscular.

a)The combined vaccine contains infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, parainfluenza type-3 virus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and Histophilus somni.

b)The combined vaccine contains bovine rotavirus, bovine coronavirus and Escherichia coli + pilus antigens (K99, F41).

Table 2
Suggested vaccine programs for Korean native cattle (Hanwoo)
Disease Age Vaccination time Route Type of vaccine
Anthrax+black legs All ages with more than 6 months old April every year SC Combined (2 types)
Pneumonic pasteurellosis Calves 1 month old IM Single
Respiratory diseasesa) Adult 1st: April IM Combined (5 types)
2nd: October every year
Feeders and calves 1st: 3 months old
2nd: 4 months old
Diarrhea vaccine for calvesb) Cow (first parity) 1st: 5-6 weeks before calving IM Combined (3 types)
2nd: 2-3 weeks before calving
Cow (from second parity) At 2-3 weeks before calving
Akabane disease Adult March every year SC Single
Feeder with more than 6 months old 1st : March every year
2nd: April every year
Bovine ephemeral fever Adult May every year IM Single
Feeder with more than 6 months old 1st: May every year
2nd: June every year
Foot and mouth disease Adults and feeder Every 6 months IM Combined (3 types)
Calves 1st: 2 months old
2nd: at 4 weeks after 1st inoculation
Rabies All ages with more than 6 months old June every year IM Single

SC, subcutaneous; IM, intramuscular.

a)The combined vaccine contains infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, parainfluenza type-3 virus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and Histophilus somni.

b)The combined vaccine contains bovine rotavirus, bovine coronavirus and Escherichia coli + pilus antigens (K99, F41).


No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.

This study was supported by the Rural Development Administration (PJ00897001), BK21 PLUS and the Research Institute for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University, South Korea.


Yong Il Cho

Il-Sun Ryu

Han Sang Yoo

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