Journal List > Allergy Asthma Respir Dis > v.2(5) > 1059052

Park: Systems biology approaches in asthma pharmacogenomics study


The response to drug treatment in asthma is a complex trait and is markedly variable even in patients with apparently similar clinical features. Pharmacogenomics is a study of variations of human genome characteristics as related to drug response. A traditional candidate-gene approach and genome-wide association studies have provided an increasing list of genes and variants that was associated with asthma medications. However, as phenotypic variations arises from a network of complex interactions among genetic and environmental factors, rather than individual genes, a multidisciplinary, system-level approach is required in order to understand the interrelationships among these factors. Systems biology that studies organisms as integrated and interacting networks of genes, proteins and biochemical reactions can contribute to this. It is likely that the combination of network modeling, functional validation, and integrative-Omics will be needed to move asthma pharmacogenomics closer to clinical relevance.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1
General purpose of a pharmacogenomics study. IL, interleukin.
Fig. 2
Components of system. Node, basic component (e.g. each gene, protein, or metabolite); line, relation between nodes; hub, important node.
Fig. 3
Application of systems biology in pharmacogenomics. (A) outline, (B) Example. g, genetic variant; t, transcript; p, protein; m, metabolite.
Table 1
Typical examples of pharmacogenomics study in asthma using candidate gene approach or GWAS

CAMP, childhood asthma management program; ACRN, asthma clinical research network; CARE, childhood asthma reserch and education; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; GWAS, genome wide association study.

*Dahlin A, Litonjua A, Irvin CG, Peters SP, Lima JJ, et al., submitted manuscript.

Table 2
Recent examples of pharmacogenomics study in asthma using systems biology

SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; BDR, bronchodilator response; eQTL, expression quantitative trait loci; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; CAMP, childhood asthma management program.


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