Journal List > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > v.28(1) > 1058497

Kim: A Study on Adult Women's Cosmetic Tattoo Experiences and Comparison of Health Concern and Health Practice between the Cosmetic Tattooed and Non-cosmetic Tattooed Groups



This study was conducted to compare the level of health concern and the health practice of adult women depending on their experiences with cosmetic tattooing.


The participants were 396 adult women in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk Provinces and G City. Their levels of health concern were measured using the 5-point-5-item scale designed by Kim. For measuring their health practice, the 5-point-12-item scale designed by Kwak was used.


The percentage of cosmetic tattooed women was 58.8%. The average score of their health concern was 3.12 and that of their health practice 3.54. As for their levels of health concern, no differences were observed between those with cosmetic tattoo experience and those without. However, the group with cosmetic tattoo experience exhibited a higher level of health practice. Also, most members of the cosmetic tattooed group decided to visit their tattoo shops based on the availability of tattoo shapes or prices rather than considering infection risks.


Health education is necessary to increase people's sensitivity to infection. This study shows that urgent attention for the management and regulation of the relevant ministries is required. Also, this study provides foundational information that will serve health education.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

State of Cosmetic Tattooing

Groups Variables Categories n (%)
Tattooed group Experienced 233 (58.8)
Whether unlicensed medical practice or not (n=233) Yes 146 (62.7)
No 87 (37.3)
Place for tattooing (n=233) Tattoo parlor 174 (74.7)
Hospital 16 (6.9)
Home visit 43 (18.5)
Reason for choice tattoo parlor instead of hospital (n=217) Low price 62 (27.0)
Far to seek hospital for tattoo procedure 56 (24.3)
Prettier than hospital's procedure 50 (21.7)
Believes that only get in parlors 49 (21.3)
Others 13 (5.7)
Choice criteria among other parlors (n=217) Skillful 151 (69.6)
Low price 25 (11.5)
After service 19 (8.8)
Hygiene 12 (5.5)
Others 10 (4.6)
Action of infection control (n=217) Unaware 117 (53.9)
Yes 40 (18.4)
No 60 (27.6)
Satisfaction with hygienic conditions (n=217) Good 68 (31.3)
Moderate 125 (57.6)
Bad 24 (11.1)
Notice of side effect (n=217) Yes 77 (35.5)
No 140 (64.5)
Experience of side effect (n=217) Unaware 70 (32.3)
Yes 29 (13.4)
No 118 (54.3)
Non-tattooed group Unexperienced 163 (41.2)
Plan tattooing 93 (57.1)
Whether unlicensed medical practice or not (n=163) Yes 120 (73.6)
No 43 (26.4)
Place for tattooing (n=93) Tattoo parlor 52 (55.9)
Hospital 39 (41.9)
Home visit 2 (2.2)
Reason for choice tattoo parlor instead of hospital (n=54) Prettier than hospital's procedure 31 (57.4)
Believes that only get in parlors 9 (16.7)
Far to seek hospital for tattoo procedure 7 (13.0)
Low price 5 (9.3)
Others 2 (3.7)
Table 2

Tattooed Group and Non-tattooed Group Depending on General Characteristics (N=396)

Characteristics Categories Tattooed group (n=233) Non-tattooed group (n=163) x2 or t p
n (%) or M±SD n (%) or M±SD
Age (year) 20~29 30 (12.9) 94 (57.7) 93.49 <.001
30~39 56 (24.0) 18 (11.0)
40~49 57 (24.5) 29 (17.8)
50~59 90 (38.6) 22 (13.5)
43.2±10.75 31.5±12.86
Marital status Single 35 (26.1) 99 (73.9) 89.53 <.001
Married 198 (75.6) 64 (24.4)
Religion Yes 147 (63.1) 107 (65.6) 0.27 .340
No 86 (36.9) 56 (34.4)
Family monthly income ≥600 66 (28.3) 22 (13.5) 20.57 <.001
400~<600 72 (30.9) 51 (31.3)
200~<400 78 (33.5) 59 (36.2)
<200 17 (7.3) 31 (19.0)
Educational level High school 72 (30.9) 25 (15.3) 81.40 <.001
Be at university 35 (15.0) 95 (58.3)
≥University 126 (54.1) 43 (26.4)
Occupation Student 38 (16.3) 96 (58.9) 87.87 <.001
Housewife 139 (59.7) 42 (25.8)
Worker 56 (24.0) 25 (15.3)
State of health Good 171 (73.3) 131 (80.4) 4.82 .307
Moderate 54 (23.2) 30 (18.4)
Bad 8 (3.5) 2 (1.2)
Table 3

Comparison between Health Concern and Health Practice between Tattooed Group and Non-tattooed Group (N=396)

Variables Total M±SD Tattooed group (n=233) Non-tattooed group (n=163) F p
Health concern 3.12±0.81 3.25±0.77 2.95±0.83 0.64 .426
Health practice 3.54±0.50 3.55±0.48 3.52±0.53 10.21 .002


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