The purpose of this study was to analyze factors influencing the quality of life in Vietnamese married immigrant women in Korea. The factors included socio-demographic characteristics, spouse's support, and social support of Vietnamese married immigrant women.
A descriptive survey was conducted to collect data from 190 subjects during the period between May and June, 2015. The randomly sampled subjects answered a self-report questionnaire translated into Vietnamese. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 21.
The subjects' quality of life was found to be influenced by economic level, subjective perception of their own and spouse's health, Korean communication ability, spouse's support, and social support. The most influential factor for the quality of life was spouse's support, and next, subjective perception of their own health, Korean communication ability, and economic level in order of influence.
The results of this study suggest that social support programs should be customized to the subjects' characteristics in order for married immigrant women to adjust themselves to new Korean environments and to lead a high-qualitylife through the promotion of marital relationship, Korean communication ability, health status, and economic capability.
Figures and Tables
Table 1
Differences of QOL according to the Sociodemographic Characteristics (N=190)
Table 2
The Scores of a Social Support and Spouse's Support (N=190)
Table 3
Correlation among Economic Status, the Perception of Health, Korean Communication Ability, Support and Quality of Life (†=190)
Table 4
Variables Influencing on the Quality of Life
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