Journal List > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > v.25(1) > 1058360

Shin, Shin, Lee, and Yang: Influence of Experiences of Witnessing Tobacco Advertising and Preferences of Tobacco Companies' Social Responsibility on Current and Future Smoking Intentions in Adolescents



To evaluate the influence of experiences of witnessing tobacco advertising and preferences of tobacco companies' social responsibility (CSR) on current and future smoking intentions in adolescents.


Data were collected from 700 adolescents living in Korea representing 7 metropolitan cities and 8 provinces in the method of proportional random sampling. The Gallup's data collection system was adopted using 1:1 face to face interviews. The witness of tobacco advertising was determined by 'yes', or 'no' responses to three survey items and to four survey items for preferences of tobacco CSR. For statistical analysis, χ2 test, Fisher's exact test and logistic regression were used.


98.4% of the adolescents had experiences of witnessing tobacco advertising. POP (OR=103.44, 95% CI: 8.22~1301.45) and magazine advertisement (OR=6.07, 95% CI: 1.34~22.58) had a significant effect on their current smoking. Also, POP (β=.24, p<.001) and movie advertisement (β=.42, p<.001) had a significant effect on their future smoking intentions. As for the preferences of tobacco CSR, cultural-art support activities (β=.15, p=.025) and environmental purifying campaigns (β=-.15, p=.034) had a significant effect on their future smoking intentions.


Witness of tobacco advertising and positive responses to tobacco CSR are associated with current and future smoking intentions in adolescents.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General Characteristics and Smoking Rate (N=700)
Table 2
Experience of Witnessing Tobacco Advertisements and Preferences of Tobacco Companies' Social Responsibility by General Characteristics (N=700)

TA=tobacco advertisements; CSR=companies' social responsibility.

Fisher's exact test.

Table 3
Factors Influencing Participants' Current Smoking (N=700)

TA=Tobacco advertisements; CSR=Companies' social responsibility; POP=Point of purchase; OR=Odds ratio; CI=95% confidence interval.

Table 4
Factors Influencing Participants' Future Smoking Intentions (N=700)

TA=Tobacco advertisements; CSR=Companies' social responsibility; POP=Point of purchase.


This study was supported by Sahmyook University Research Fund in 2012.


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