Journal List > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > v.22(2) > 1058209

Lee and Kim: Counseling Elderly People in Long-term Care Service



The purpose of this study was to examine satisfaction with counseling in long-term care service, and to compare the scores of counseling satisfaction according to variables among beneficiaries of Korean long-term care services.


Questionnaires were completed by 445 beneficiaries of long-term care insurance to measure satisfaction with counseling. Research design was cross-sectional descriptive design. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA for evaluating differences in satisfaction with counseling according to variables including economic status, the level of long-term care insurance approval, duration of long term care service, and conditions of counseling.


The score of satisfaction with counseling was somewhat high as 71.67. The score of counselor's attitude was highest among the subcategories of satisfaction. The factors that influenced satisfaction with counseling were frequency and time of counseling (F=12.19, p<.001).


Home-based individual counseling is necessary for the elderly who need long-term care service. The National Long-term Care Insurance Corporation should offer counseling and assistance to elders and their caregivers about long term care insurance.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General Characteristics and Long Term Care Status of Subjects (N=445)

Double checked.

Table 2
Description of Counseling Methods, Frequency and Time (N=445)

National Health Insurance Corporation.

Table 3
Contents of Counseling for Subjects (N=445)

Double checked.

Table 4
Difference of Score in Counseling Satisfaction according to Variables (N=445)

Bleeding, high fever, dehydration, edema, dyspnea, fracture, skin infection (include serious blister, serious burn), severe pain, infection, severe depression, alcoholism; Counselee does not include other family and service agency.

Table 5
Significant Predictors of Counseling Satisfaction (N=445)

Frequency of counseling (1=once per month, once per two months, once per more three months), Time of counseling (1=20 minutes, 2=20~30 minutes, 3=over 30 minutes), Age (year), Counselee (1=beneficiary, 2=care giver).


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