Journal List > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > v.21(1) > 1058199

Kim and Jeong: An Analysis of Articles Related to Smoking and Smoking Cessation of Korean Adolescents



The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents and trends of smoking and smoking cessation of adolescents in Korea.


The subjects were 315 researches from 1997 to 2008 in Korea. They were examined in terms of subjects, research design, key words, types of intervention, times of intervention, and dependent variables for experimental research, and in terms of subjects, concepts, research questions and research methods for qualitative research.


Of the studies 52.4% were master's theses, and 22.9% of the subjects were male high school students. The most common research design was descriptive design. Major concepts studied were related to emotional cognitive variables. Among 80 experimental researches, 70% were about smoking cessation programs. The number of qualitative studies was only 6. Their concepts were smoking experience, motives for smoking cessation, smoking process, and motives for smoking. A major research question was: What does smoking mean to adolescents?


More research should be done for the female students' smoking and smoking cessation. Also, research that adapts educational programs for smoking and smoking cessation needs to be performed through at least a 10 times longer period and in regular basis to get desirable results.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Published Years, Sources, Research Designs & Subjects of Research (N=315)
Table 2
Key Words of Research

Multiple response.

Table 3-1
Subjects, Interventions, Frequency and Times in Experimental Study (N=80)

B=boys; G=girls; M=middle school students; H=high school students.

Table 3-2
Dependent Variables in Experimental Study (N=80)

Double response.

Table 4
Subjects, Concepts, Research Questions and Methods in Qualitative Study (N=6)


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