Journal List > J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > v.22(4) > 1057983

Park and Bae: Efficient Suicide Prevention Intervention: Meta-Analysis



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the suicide ideation effects of suicide prevention program.


Using several databases, studies were collected from March, 2012 to August, 2012. For the purpose of a systematic literature review, in this study analysis was done of pretested-posttested research among non-randomized studies utilizing suicide prevention program, and having set the intervention as the independent variable suicidal idea as a dependent variable.


The result of interventions on suicide prevention showed a moderate effect at -0.72 (96% CI: -0.96, 0.48). For intervention types, reality therapy was most effective overall, while the life cycle was found to be most effective for young people (d=-1.57, 95% CI: -2.70, -0.43). The periods for the intervention on suicide prevention was shown to be most effective when it was repeated over 20 times (d=-1.55, 95% CI:-2.75, -0.35), and also it worked better for the risk group than a general group (d=-0.89, 95% CI: -1.26, 0.52).


The findings of this study support basic data for interventions to prevent future suicide and the need for further development of prevention programs.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Flow diagram.
Figure 2
Forest plot.
Figure 3
Funnel plot.
Table 1
Characteristics of Studies Included in Meta-analysis

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group; NS=number of session; QA=quality assessment; DD=doctor's dissertation; MT=master's thesis; PA=published Article; CBT=cognitive Behavioral Therapy; LREP=life-respect education program; RT=reality therapy; AT=activity therapy; CBT=cognitive behavioral therapy; LREP=life-respect education program; RT=reality therapy; AT=art therapy; SST=social skill training; GGC=gestalt group counseling; SAP=self-assertion programs; MSPP=multidimensional suicide prevention program; NP=nurse presence; PIAML=program improving adjustment to military life; PT=play therapy; AA=animation audition; SI=suicidal ideation; HRG=high risk group, GG=general group.

Table 2
Characteristics of Variables Included in Meta-analysis
Table 3
Effect Size of Suicide Prevention Program

CI=confidence interval; CBT=Cognitive behavioral therapy; LEP=life-respect education program.


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