Journal List > J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > v.20(1) > 1057890

Jee, Lee, and Lim: Effects of a Smoking Cessation Program using Self-regulated Learning Strategy for Middle School Boys



The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a smoking cessation program using self-regulated learning strategy as an approach for middle-school boys to stop smoking.


A one group time series study was utilized for the purpose of this study. A five-week smoking cessation program, based on the self-regulated learning strategy of Zimmerman (1989), was provided to 15 middle-school boys who were smokers. Data were collected from July to September, 2008 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, and nonparametric test, Friedman, 2 related samples with SPSS/WIN 14.0 program.


Following the intervention, the participants showed significant differences on self-regulatory efficacy, cons of smoking, stage of smoking behavior change, nicotine dependency, urine cotinine levels, and CO expiration levels compared to those at pretest and those differences remained at 5 months after the intervention, except cons of smoking.


This study suggest that the smoking cessation program using self-regulated learning strategy is effective for smoking cessation in middle-school boys and those smoking cessation behaviors remained for up to 5 months after the completion of the intervention. Broad application of the program would be beneficial for teenagers who smoke.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Weekly Theme of the Smoking Cessation Program using Self-regulated Learning Strategy

Table 2

General and Smoking related Characteristics (N=15)

Table 3

Smoking-related Perception (N=15)

Table 4

Changes in Cognitive Concept, Behavioral Concept, and Physiological Concept (N=15)


Nonparametic test, Friedman, 2 Related samples used.


This article is a revision of the first author's master's thesis from Kosin University.


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