Journal List > J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > v.19(1) > 1057889

Kim, Kwon, Choi, Park, and Kim: Psychological and Spiritual Factors Associated with Death Anxiety of Elderly People Living at Home



The study was done to investigate psychological spiritual factors related to death anxiety of elderly living at home.


A descriptive correlation study was conducted. The participants were 494 living at home elderly people conveniently selected in Seoul and Kyunggi province. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and stepwise multiple regression were used for data analysis.


The death anxiety positively correlated with depression and negatively with self-integrity, readiness of death, belief in life after death, and spiritual well-being. The factors influencing death anxiety were self-integrity, readiness of death, depression, and belief in life after death. Those four variables explained 21.6% of death anxiety.


It is expected to serve as a useful tool for nurses who serve elderly people in the clinical field and local community to help get a better understanding of death, and it is expected to lay a theoretical foundation for the development of strategies geared toward alleviating death anxiety.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General Characteristics of the Subjects (N=494)
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Death Anxiety and Its Related Variables (N=494)
Table 3
Differences of Death Anxiety according to General Characteristics (N=494)

Post-Hoc (Duncan's test).

Table 4
Correlations between Death Anxiety and the Related Variables
Table 5
Influencing Factors on Death Anxiety


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