The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prediction validity of the caries activity test with a sulfisomidine mixture (SAHS test).
This longitudinal follow-up study was conducted for 3 years. The subjects were 155 elementary schoolchildren. Oral examination was performed by examining each tooth surface of the subjects. The number of teeth with new caries lesions was calculated by comparing between the baseline data of the initial oral examination and the results of the second oral examination performed after 3 years. The Dentocult SM test was used as the reference in the analysis of the caries prediction validity of the SAHS test. The items of the validity test for carries prediction were as follows: sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and likelihood ratio
The correlation between new caries lesions and the SAHS test scores was greater than that between new caries lesions and the Dentocult SM test scores. The receiver-operating analysis revealed that the area under the curve of the SAHS test was higher than that of the Dentocult SM test. The caries prediction validity of the SAHS test (grade 12) was as follows: sensitivity, 0.71-0.70; specificity, 0.60-0.58; positive predictive value, 0.79-0.78; negative predictive value, 0.49 (screening criterion 5). The SAHS test scores were similar to or higher than the scores in the items of the Dentocult SM test.
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Table 1.
Correlations between dental caries experience and caries activity test score
Table 2.
ROC analysis
Table 3.
The validity of Sulfisomidine containing with acidic high sucrose liquid medium test (grade 12)
Table 4.
Comparison of caries prediction validity by Dentocult SM test and Sulfisomidine containing with acidic high sucrose liquid medium test (grade 4)
Table 5.
The new caries lesions by caries activity test score N=155