Journal List > J Korean Acad Oral Health > v.40(2) > 1057681

Jung, Jung, Yang, Kim, Choi, and Song: Related factors between quality of dental service and Korean net promoter score



Many people rely on recommendations from family, relatives, and other information sources in order to select the appropriate dental clinic for treatment. The object of this study was to find out the relationship between quality of dental service and Korean Net Promoter Score (KNPS).


A total of 520 patients were selected through consecutive sampling from four dental clinics in Daegu city. Informed consent of all selected patients was obtained. The patients were required to complete a questionnaire that comprised of three categories of queries related to provision of satisfactory dental service, relation quality, and personal data. Sub-categories of questions included physical and environmental factors, human service factors, patients’ satisfaction with related quality and KNPS. Data was collected by interviewing all individuals on a personal basis over a period of 3 months. Statistical analysis was performed using studental t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 20.0 software (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA).


Among the various socio-economic factors studied, income was most significantly related to KNPS while satisfaction of relation quality was the largest factor affecting the KNPS. Factors such as satisfactory physical environment, quality of human service, relation quality and income accounted for 52.4% of KNPS. In short, the three major factors that affected KNPS were patient compliance, professionalism of the attending dentist and response of hygienist to patient. Other minor factors influencing KNPS included trust upon the attending dentist, aesthetics of clinicstiinterior, and physical convenience.


It is highly recommended that dental clinics should make strenuous efforts to increase the level of patient compliance, professionalism, and response towards patients, which can be achieved by improving the quality of service and through positive marketing of the hospital.


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Table 1.
Reliability of physical environmentl, human service, patient satisfaction
Category Sub-category Cronbach’s alpha
Physical environmental
Accessibility Accessibility 1 0.601
Accessibility 2
Cleanliness Cleanliness 1 0.867
Cleanliness 2
Cleanliness 3
Esthetic Esthetic 1 0.904
Esthetic 2
Convenience Convenience 1 0.735
Convenience 2
Convenience 3
Human service
Professional Convenience 1 0.913
Convenience 2
Convenience 3
Dependability Dependability 1 0.877
Dependability 2
Dependability 3
Attention Attention 1 0.916
Attention 2
Attention 3
Patients satisfaction
Satisfaction of treatment Treatment 1 0.896
Treatment 2
Satisfaction of management Management 1 0.827
Management 2
Loyalty Loyalty 1 0.847
Loyalty 2
Table 2.
Promoter score according to socioeconomic status (N=520)
N(%) Promoter score (Range 1~7) P-value*
Male 242 (46.5) 5.79±1.18 0.448
Female 278 (53.5) 5.72±1.15
≤29 90 (17.3) 5.69±1.02 0.088
30-39 103 (19.8) 5.51±1.20
40-49 116 (22.3) 5.79±1.18
50-59 123 (16.9) 5.94±1.10
≥60 88 (16.9) 5.77±1.28
≤Middle school 44 (16.2) 5.66±1.33 0.766
High school 152 (30.6) 5.86±1.18
College 114 (23.1) 5.72±1.04
University 185 (13.7) 5.71±1.17
Graduate school 25 (8.3) 5.76±1.26
Income (Won)
≤99 84 (16.2) 5.68±1.23a 0.009
100-199 159 (30.6) 5.70±1.14a
200-299 120 (23.1) 5.56±1.15a
300-399 71 (13.7) 5.96±1.03a
400-499 43 (8.3) 5.77±1.43a,b
≥500 43 (8.3) 6.28±0.83b
Visit route
Recommanded of acquaintance 426 (81.9) 5.79±1.16 0.371
Web advertisement 36 (6.9) 5.56±1.16
Other advertisement 13 (2.5) 5.85±1.07
Others 45 (8.7) 5.53±1.18

Values are Mean±S.D. *Statistical significant by T-test or ANOVA (P-value<0.05).

a ,b,cDifferent characters mean significant difference between groups by Bonferroni corrected.

Table 3.
Promoter score according to physical environmentl, human service, and patient satisfaction (N=520)
Categories Promoter score (Range 1~7)
Very satisfaction Usually Satisfaction Never
Satisfaction of facilities
Accessibility 5.98±1.03b 4.79±1.18a 4.80±1.23a <0.001
Cleanliness 6.09±0.96c 4.94±1.13b 3.93±1.00a <0.001
Esthetic 6.14±1.00c 5.42±1.09b 4.75±1.23a <0.001
Convenience 6.13±0.94c 5.04±1.15b 4.38±1.20a <0.001
Satisfaction of Human service
Professional 6.11±0.89b 4.29±0.91a 4.13±1.55a <0.001
Dependability 6.05±0.95b 4.30±0.98a 3.60±0.55a <0.001
Attention 6.07±0.92c 4.33±0.96b 3.44±0.88a <0.001
Satisfaction of relationship
Satisfaction of treatment 6.01±0.95b 3.93±0.77a 3.33±0.58a <0.001
Satisfaction of management 6.07±0.92c 4.26±0.88b 2.75±0.50a <0.001
Loyalty 6.15±0.88c 4.51±0.93b 3.44±1.24a <0.001

Values are Mean±S.D. *Statistical significant by ANOVA (P-value<0.05).

a ,b,cDifferent characters mean significant difference between groups by Bonferroni corrected.

Table 4.
Factor affecting promoter score in satisfaction of dental service
Promoter score
B SE b t P-value
Satisfaction of facilities
Accessibility 0.028 0.097 0.011 0.288 0.774
Cleanliness 0.009 0.101 0.004 0.091 0.928
Esthetic 0.193 0.063 0.114 3.065 0.002
Convenience 0.158 0.080 0.079 1.971 0.049
Satisfaction of Human service
Professional 0.480 0.123 0.184 3.911 <0.001
Dependability ―0.085 0.142 ―0.030 ―0.600 0.549
Attention 0.381 0.122 0.143 3.117 0.002
Satisfaction of relationship
Satisfaction of treatment 0.262 0.156 0.179 1.675 0.095
Satisfaction of management 0.341 0.139 0.118 2.448 0.015
Loyalty 0.661 0.101 0.269 6.523 <0.001
R2>=0.555 F=65.839 (P<0.001)
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