Journal List > J Korean Acad Oral Health > v.38(3) > 1057602

Park, Kim, Choi, and Kim: Evaluation of the safety of non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma in hairless mouse tissues



The aim of the present study was to evaluate the stability of non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma on Candida albicans in hairless mouse-2 (HRM-2) tissues.


HRM-2 mice were subjected to non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma jet treatment using an optical fiber probe and monitored using a thermometer. The skin of HRM-2 mice was treated with plasma jet for 0, 60, 180, and 300 s per day for 5 days. After plasma treatment, morphological changes in Candida albicans on the skin of these mice were examined using a scanning electron microscope. Biopsy of the plasma-treated skin was performed and the tissues were histologically analyzed using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Masson’s trichrome stains.


The scanning electron microscopic images revealed the morphological changes in the membrane structure of the plasma-treated Candida albicans. Histological analysis showed that non-thermal plasma treatment did not cause epidermal damage or tissue inflammation and did not significantly modify the collagen layers of the mouse skin.


The results of this study suggest that non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma might be safe and effective for clinical applications in the field of dentistry.


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Fig. 1.
Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma source and treatment of a HRM-2 mouse tissue.
Fig. 2.
The measurement of microwave plasma temperature using optical fiber. The input power is 2.5 W, and the argon flow is 3 slm.
Fig. 3.
Scanning electron photomicrographs of C. albicans on mouse tissue treated with microwave plasma.(A) none treatment of plasma (B) plasma treatment for 60 sec, (C) plasma treatment for 180 sec, (D) plasmatreatment for 300 sec. Magnification ×2,000.
Fig. 4.
The histological analysis using H&E staining against the mouse tissue after treatment of microwave plasma. After the repeated microwave plasma treatment for 5 days, the biopsies were performed 7 days. Plasma treated for (A) 0 sec (without plasma treatment), (B) 60 sec, (C) 180 sec and (D) 300 sec, there is notissue morphological change. Magnification ×400.
Fig. 5.
Masson’s trichrome staining indicates distinct collagen structures formed in dermal layer. After the repeated microwave plasma treatment for 5 days, the biopsies were performed 7 days. Collagen layers,nuclei and keratins were no significant different to compare control and experiment groups. Plasma treated for (A) 0 sec (without plasma treatment), (B) 60 sec, (C) 180 sec and (D) 300 sec. Magnification ×400.
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