Journal List > Lab Med Online > v.5(2) > 1057297

Lee and Cha: Performance Evaluation of BAROZEN H, a Networking Blood Glucose Monitoring System for Medical Institutions



We evaluated the analytical performance of Barozen H (i-SENS Inc., Korea), a new glucometer equipped with networking function for medical institutions, according to the ISO 15197:2003 and ISO/DIS 15197:2011 guidelines.


We measured the precision of 10 Barozen H glucometers, in terms of repeatability and intermediate precision, and determined their accuracy relative to that of automatic chemistry analyzer AU5421 (Beckman Coulter, USA). Three other glucometers-Precision PCx (Abbott, USA), Glucocard Sigma (Arkray, Japan), and SureStep Flexx (Johnson & Johnson, USA) were also evaluated, and their accuracies and hematocrit interferences were compared.


The standard deviation and coefficient of variation of Barozen H for repeatability and intermediate precision were 0.11-0.15 mmol/L and 2.3-3.6%, respectively. With respect to accuracy, in accordance with ISO 15197:2003 criteria, Barozen H yielded 98.0% of results within ±0.83 mmol/L or ±20%. Further, per the ISO/DIS 15197:2011 criteria, 95.2% of results were within ±0.83 mmol/L or ±15%; Barozen H was the only glucometer satisfying the more stringent ISO/DIS 15197:2011 criteria. Error grid analysis showed that all results from Barozen H were in zone A, indicating its excellent clinical accuracy. Hematocrit, ranging from 20% to 60% did not cause any significant interference.


Barozen H showed excellent analytical performance, and it was the most clinically accurate glucometer tested. It can be expected to provide reliable results satisfying ISO/DIS 15197:2011 as well as ISO 15197:2003 criteria.

Figures and Tables

Fig. 1

Difference plots of Barozen H and 3 other glucometers. (A) Barozen H, (B) Precision PCx, (C) Glucocard Sigma, (D) SureStep Flexx. The X-axis represents the mean value of the duplicates from the AU5421 chemistry analyzer. The Y-axis shows the difference between the result of each glucometer and that of AU5421. The dotted lines represent the acceptance criteria of ISO/DIS 15197:2011 (±0.83 mmol/L and ±15%).

Fig. 2

Consensus error grids for Barozen H and 3 other glucometers. (A) Barozen H, (B) Precision PCx, (C) Glucocard Sigma, (D) SureStep Flexx. The X-axis represents the mean value of the duplicates from the AU5421 chemistry analyzer. The Y-axis shows the results of each glucometer. The percentage values in the box represent the proportion of results belonging to each zone.

Fig. 3

Interference of the hematocrit in 4 glucometers. (A) Barozen H, (B) Precision PCx, (C) Glucocard Sigma, (D) SureStep Flexx. The X-axis shows the hematocrit (%) for each sample. The Y-axis shows the bias between each glucometer and the AU5421 chemistry analyzer as a reference measurement procedure. Each bias was presented in difference (mg/dL) at low glucose concentration (30-50 mg/dL, 1.7-2.8 mmol/L) and %difference (%) at mid (96-144 mg/dL, 5.3-8.0 mmol/L) and high (280-420 mg/dL, 15.5-23.3 mmol/L) glucose concentration.

Table 1

Precision of Barozen H

Repeatability Intermediate precision
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Mean (mmol/L) 1.87 4.08 6.79 11.02 20.47 2.38 7.19 18.58
SD (mmol/L) 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.39 0.52 0.11 0.26 0.43
CV (%) 5.9 3.7 3.0 3.6 2.5 4.4 3.5 2.3
Table 2

System accuracy according to ISO 15197:2003

Glucometers <4.2 mmol/L ≥4.2 mmol/L Total
Within ±0.28 mmol/L Within ±0.56 mmol/L Within ±0.83 mmol/L Within ±5% Within ±10% Within ±15% Within ±20%
Barozen H 25/30* (83.3%) 29/30 (96.7%) 30/30 (100%) 133/220 (60.5%) 189/220 (85.9%) 207/220 (94.1%) 215/220 (97.7%) 245/250 (98.0%)
Precision PCx 25/32 (78.1%) 32/32 (100%) 32/32 (100%) 95/218 (43.6%) 164/218 (75.2%) 203/218 (93.1%) 214/218 (98.2%) 246/250 (98.4%)
Glucocard Sigma 20/27 (74.1%) 27/27 (100%) 27/27 (100%) 103/223 (46.2%) 167/223 (74.9%) 201/223 (90.1%) 210/223 (94.2%) 237/250 (94.8%)
SureStep Flexx 16/33 (48.5%) 25/33 (75.8%) 32/33 (97.0%) 113/217 (52.1%) 171/217 (78.8%) 198/217 (91.2%) 214/217 (98.6%) 246/250 (98.4%)

*Number and percentage of acceptable results among all results in each interval.

Table 3

System accuracy according to ISO/DIS 15197:2011

Glucometers <5.55 mmol/L ≥ 5.55 mmol/L Total
Within ±0.28 mmol/L Within ±0.56 mmol/L Within ±0.83 mmol/L Within ± 5% Within ± 10% Within ±15%
Barozen H 45/60* (75.0%) 54/60 (90.0%) 56/60 (93.3%) 117/190 (61.6%) 164/190 (86.3%) 182/190 (95.8%) 238/250 (95.2%)
Precision PCx 37/60 (61.7%) 53/60 (88.3%) 58/60 (96.7%) 87/190 (45.8%) 145/190 (76.3%) 178/190 (93.7%) 236/250 (94.4%)
Glucocard Sigma 37/60 (61.7%) 51/60 (85.0%) 56/60 (93.3%) 89/190 (46.8%) 145/190 (76.3%) 174/190 (91.6%) 230/250 (92.0%)
SureStep Flexx 31/60 (51.7%) 46/60 (76.7%) 54/60 (90.0%) 98/190 (51.6%) 152/190 (80.0%) 177/190 (93.2%) 231/250 (92.4%)

*Number and percentage of acceptable results among all results in each interval.


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