The purpose of present study was to evaluate the polymerization shrinkage stress and amount of linear shrinkage of composites and compomers for posterior restoration.
For this purpose, linear polymerization shrinkage and polymerization stress were measured.
For linear polymerization shrinklage and polymerization stress measurement, custom made Linometer (R&B, Daejon, Korea) and Stress measuring machine was used (R&B, Daejon, Korea). Compositers and compomers were evaluated; Dyract AP (Dentsply Detrey, Gumbh. German) Z100 (3M Dental Products, St. Paul, USA) Surefil (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, USA) Pyramid(Bisco, Schaumburg, USA) Synergy Compact (Coltene, Altstatten, Switzerland), Heliomolar (Vivadent/Ivoclar, Liechtenstein), and Compoglass (Vivadent Ivoclar/Liechtenstein) were used. 15 measurements were made for each material. Linear polymerization shrinkage or polymerization stress for each material was compared with one way ANOVA with Tukey at 95% levels of confidence.
For linear shrinkage; Heliomolar, Surefil<Synergy Compact, Z100<Dyract AP<Pyramid, Compoglass F (p<0.05)
For Shrinkage stress; Heliomolar<Z100, Pyramid<Synergy Compact, Compoglass F<Dyract AP<Heliomolar HB, Surefil (p<0.05)
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