Journal List > J Korean Soc Clin Pharmacol Ther > v.21(1) > 1055131

Lim: Development Measures of the Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics


The Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (JKSCPT) as a peer-reviewed semi-annual journal has published lots of clinical pharmacology articles of various fields since its first issue in May 1993. Particularly, a number of high-quality articles such as randomized controlled prospective clinical trials have been presented in this journal. The JKSCPT currently has been also indexed in Scopus, one of the famous international bibliographic databases, and the candidate journal accredited by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Although the JKSCPT has accumulated outstanding achievements as the specialized journal for clinical pharmacology in Korea, it is also true that there are many problems to be solved in order to be a more internationally recognized journal. The methods to analyze the status of a journal for the academic society were first suggested in this article. The SWOT analysis on the current status of the JKSCPT was done for establishing future development strategies. Making references to these analyzing methods of a journal and SWOT analysis, numerous problems and the suggestions for the development of the JKSCPT were presented in detail. The future model of the journal for the academic society was also briefly discussed.


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Table 1.
SWOT analysis of the Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
SWOT Analysis
~ high quality of articles ~ small number of article submission
~ long history (over 20 yrs) ~ problems in article flow process
~ nationwide scale ~ low number of publication
~ indexed in SCOPUS & KoreaMed Synapse ~ confined to domestic authors
~ candidate journal accredited by NRFK ~ insufficient English homepage
~ lack of world-renowned editors
~ weak recognition as interesting and
useful journal for KSCPT members
~ society’s low support for the JKSCPT
Strength-Opportunity Strategy
Weakness-Opportunity Strategy
~ government support increase in academic (Immediate Execution required) (Immediate Remedy required)
journals ~ maintaining and improving the quality of ~ increasing manuscript submission
~ increased status of the JKSCPT (Scopus) articles ~ improving article flow process (writing/
~ increased demand for specialized journal ~ awarding prizes (best article, most submission/reviewing/editing/publication/
on clinical pharmacology from related submission, most citation, etc) propagation/feedback)
readers ~ internationalizing the JKSCPT ~ increasing publication number
~ growing author preference for international ~ increasing citation of the JKSCPT ~ activating editorial committee activity
journals ~ increasing status of the JKSCPT [SCI(E), ~ English version of the JKSCPT homepage
Pubmed (Central)] ~ encouraging English manuscript
~ promoting the JKSCPT ~ inviting world-renowned editors
~ efforts to make the JKSCPT more interesting
and useful for KSCPT members
~ increasing society support for the JKSCPT
Strength-Thereat Strategy
Weakness-Threat Strategy
~ possibility of decline in the status of the (Risk Solution required) (Long-term Supplementation required)
JKSCPT ~ maintaining and increasing status of the ~ increasing number of KSCPT members
~ establishing too many new journals JKSCPT ~ education and training of reviewers and
~ tightening trend of evaluating journals by ~ efforts to improve the quality and manuscript editors
authorities quantity level of the JKSCPT ~ merging with related domestic journals
~ falling public trust in journals ~ efforts to meet the evaluation criteria ~ strategic partnership with related international
~ reinforcing ethical standards journals

NRFK stands for the National Research Foundation of Korea. The JKSCPT stands for the Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

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