Journal List > J Korean Diabetes > v.17(3) > 1055023

Park: The Current Strategic Direction of Diabetes Education: American Association of Diabetes Educators Yearly Strategic Plan 2016∼2018


The burden of diabetes mellitus (DM) has increased rapidly, affecting both individuals and society. Recent data suggest that multiple DM conditions impose an even larger burden on society and individuals. The effective self-management and prevention of DM has been one of the major agendas of health policy around the world. This is a time of sweeping change in health care regarding DM. To prepare for these changes, the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) completed a thorough assessment of the current environment and trends affecting people with diabetes and diabetes education professionals. This paper explains the AADE 2016∼2018 Strategic Plan, including ideas for empowering diabetes educators to expand the horizon of innovative education, management, and support. The roles and competencies of educators are evolving as various education delivery models advance and diversify.


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