Journal List > J Korean Diabetes > v.12(4) > 1054799

Lee and Choi: Pharmacothearpy of Adolescents with Diabetes


Diabetes in adolescents is gaining importance since most type 1 diabetes onsets at young age, and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing in parallel with childhood obesity. Pharmacotherapy of adolescents with diabetes requires special attention because adolescence is characterized by physical and emotional growth due to a unique hormonal influence. However, a scarcity of data exists on this issue, and insulin and metformin remain as the mainstay of pharmacotherapy in adolescents with diabetes. More studies on the efficacy and safety of available medications are needed to advance pharmacotherapy in this unique population.


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Table 1.
Glycemic recommendations for adolescents with diabetes
Biochemical assessment ADA/APA 2011 IDF-ISPAD 2011
Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL) 90-130 90-145
Postprandial plasma glucose (mg/dL) 90-180
Bedtime plasma glucose (mg/dL) 90-150 120-180
Hemoglobin A1C (%) < 7.5a < 7.5a

ADA, American Diabetes Association; APA, American Psychiatric Association; IDF, International Diabetes Federation; ISPAD, International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes.

a Target hemoglobin A1C level may be lowered to 7.0% in the absence of hypoglycemia.

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