Journal List > Korean J Sports Med > v.34(2) > 1054568

Kweon, Kim, Yoo, Cho, and Choi1: Complete Rupture of the Proximal Hamstring


While a sprain of the hamstring muscle is relatively common in athletes or those who participate in physically active sports, a complete rupture of the proximal hamstring is relatively rare. A rupture of the long head of the biceps femoris without rupture of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles has rarely been reported. In this study, we saw relatively favorable outcomes after reattachment with a suture anchor at the ischial tuberosity in two patients who had a rupture of the long head of the biceps femoris.


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Fig. 1.
(A) Coronal T2-weighted image of the left thigh at patient A. A massive hematoma is seen at the proximal part of hamstring muscle and the long head of the muscle biceps femoris is a rupture with retraction. (B) Operative image of patient A. Using three suture anchor fixation procedure on the ischial tuberosity.
Fig. 2.
(A) Coronal and sagittal T2-weighted image of the right thigh at patient B. A small hematoma is seen at the proximal part of hamstring muscle and the long head of the muscle biceps femoris is a rupture with retraction. (B) Operative image of patient B. The ruptured tendons of the long head of the muscle biceps femoris. (C) Postoperative X-ray of the pelvis of patient B. Three bioabsorbable suture anchors attached the tendons to the ischial tuberosity.
Fig. 3.
(A) Modified Mason-Allen stitch method. (B) Tension was placed on the simple sutures to pull the tendon up to the ischium (data from Sallay et al. Am J Sports Med 1996;24:130–63)).
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