Journal List > J Adv Prosthodont > v.7(6) > 1054305

Su, Yue, Liao, Liu, Zhang, Li, Wang, and Shen: Erratum: The effect of various sandblasting conditions on surface changes of dental zirconia and shear bond strength between zirconia core and indirect composite resin
[J Adv Prosthodont 2015;7:214-23]
DOI of original article: 10.4047/jap.2015.7.3.214
The article 'The effect of various sandblasting conditions on surface changes of dental zirconia and shear bond strength between zirconia core and indirect composite resin' authored by Naichuan Su, Li Yue, Yunmao Liao, Wenjia Liu, Hai Zhang, Xin Li, Hang Wang, Jiefei Shen, published in June issue [Vol 7, No 3] of The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics (2015), has an erratum. On page 219, there was an error in the Fig. 5. The revised Fig. 5 is as in the following. The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics apologizes to the readers for this error.
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