Journal List > Lab Anim Res > v.26(4) > 1053647

Kim: Comparison on the Embryological Terms between the Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology (2008) and the Korean Anatomical Terminology (1996)/the Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology (2009)


Since the first edition of the Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology (KVAT) in 1993, the new edition of KVAT has been revised and harmonized with the recent version of the Korean-English Anatomical Terminology (KAT, 1996 and 2005). The Korean Association of Veterinary Anatomists (KAVA) had been decided the new revised edition based on the Japanese-English Veterinary Anatomical Terminology (JVAT, third edition, 2000) at the first. The references had been changed from JVAT (2000) into the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV, fifth edition, 2005) and the Nomina Embryologica Veterinaria (NEV, revised second edition, 2006) except the Nomina Histologica (NH, revised 2nd edition, 1994). Terminologia Histologica (TH), international terms for human cytology and histology, had been published by the Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT) and approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) at 2008. The histological-related terms have to changed by the harmonization and the unification. It has more perfect Korean spelling standardization system compared with the Korean embryological terms of the fourth edition of the Korean-English Anatomical Terminology (1996) because of lacking the recent revised references in the embryological terms in humans. The fifth edition of the Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology (KMA-MT) has been published at 2009. The Korean version of the NEV terms has some inadequate terms that should be corrected with the harmonization with KMA-MT (2009). I hope that the harmonization and standardization of the English/Korean of the veterinary anatomical terminology will be useful in the future evolution of terminology.


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Carlson, B.M. 1981. ) Patten's Foundations of Embryology, Fourth ed., McGraw-Hill, New York.
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Kim, D.J. (. 2008b. ). Comparison on the histological terminologies between the Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology (1993 and 2008) and the Korean Anatomical Terminology (1996). Lab. Anim. Res. 24(3):483–500.
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Table 1.
Comparison between KVAT (2008) which were added with the new Korean and/or English terms and KAT (1996)/KMA-MT (2009)
English terms KVAT (2008) KAT (1996) KMA-MT (2009)
Acrosomal reaction 첨단체반응 X 첨단체반응
Auricular hillock 귓바퀴결절 Auricular tubercle 귓바퀴결절 귓바퀴결절
Blastemal skeleton 모체뼈대 뼈대모체 X
Capacitation 수정능획득 X 수정능획득
Coitus 교배→교미 Coitus [Mating] 성교 [교미] 성교
Colostrous phase 초유기 X 초유기 Colostral phase
Conception 수태 [임신]→수태 수태 수태, 임신
Copulation 교미→교접 교접 교미, 교접
Dysmorphsim/Malformation 이상형태 [기형] 이상형태증 형태이상(증), 이상형태(증)
Embryonic period 배아기 배자기 배아기
Extraembryonic - 배아밖- 배자밖- 배아바깥-, 배아외-
Fecundation 임신→수정 수정 수정
Fertility 생식능력 X 생식능력, 출산력
Indeterminate cell 비결정세포→부정형세포 X 부정형세포
Indeterminate cleavage 비결정분할→미정분할 미정분할 미정분할
Luteal phase 황체기 황(색)체기 황(색)체기
Parturition 분만 분만 분만, 출산, 출생
Partus 분만→분만물 분만물 분만, 출생
Pineal recess 솔방울오목 X 솔방울오목
Senility 노화기 [노령기]→노령기 노년기 노년, 노쇠
Teratogenesis 기형발생 X 기형발생

KVAT (2008): Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology, 2008, KAT (1996): Korean Anatomical Terminology, 1996, KMA-MT (2009): Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology, 2009

: Changed more correct or appropriate term from KVAT (2008), X: Inappropriate term in human (KAT, 1996, KMA-MT, 2009).

Table 2.
Different Korean terms between KVAT (2008) and KAT (1996)/KMA-MT (2009) because of the anatomical differences between domestic animals and humans
English terms KVAT (2008) KAT (1996) KMA-MT (2009)
Amniogenesis 양막발생 양막형성 양막발생, 양막형성
Appendicular skeleton 다리뼈대 팔다리뼈대 팔다리뼈대
Appendix of epididymis 부고환곁자취 부고환부속물 부고환부속물
Appendix of testis 고환곁자취 고환부속물 X
Arytenoid swelling 모뿔연골융기 모뿔결절 X<모뿔->
Axial a. of forelimb 앞다리축동맥 팔축동맥 X
Axial a. of hindlimb 뒷다리축동맥 다리축동맥 X
Blastula [Blastocyst] 주머니배 주머니배 주머니배
Blastulation 주머니배형성 X 주머니배형성
Coitus 교미 성교[교미] 성교
Copulation 교접 교접 교미, 교접
Embryo 배아 배자 배아
Embryoblast 배아모체 배자모체 배아모체
Embryogenesis 배아발생 배자발생 배아발생
Embryonic disc 배아원반 배자원반 배아원반
Embryonic mass 배아덩이 배자덩이 배아덩이
Embryonic period 배아기 배자기 배아기
Female pronucleus 암컷풋핵 여성풋핵 여성풋핵
Female reproductive cycle 암컷생식주기 여성생식주기 <-생식주기>
Foramen cecum 혀막구멍 막구멍 막구멍
Gastrulation 창자배형성 창자배형성 창자배형성
Infancy 유아기 유아기 유아기
Juvenility 유년기 X 소아기, 청소년기
Limb bud mesoderm 다리싹중배엽 팔다리싹중배엽 <팔다리싹->
Limb flexure 다리굽이 팔다리굽이 X
Male pronucleus 수컷풋핵 남성풋핵 남성풋핵
Male reproductive cycle 수컷생식주기 남성생식주기 <-생식주기>
Male uterus 수컷자궁 <남성질> X
Mammalian reproduction 포유동물생식 <-생식> <-생식>
Multipara 다분만 경산 다산부, 다분만부
Neurulation 신경관형성 신경배형성 신경관형성
Nullipara 미분만 미산 미분만부
Ovoplasm [Ooplasm] 난형질 [난모세포질] 난자세포질 난형질, 난모세포질
English terms KVAT (2008) KAT (1996) KMA-MT (2009)
Perineal body 회음체 샅힘줄중심 解(05) 샅힘줄중심
Phallus 생식돌기 음경 음경
Pharyngeal arch 인두굽이 인두굽이 인두굽이
Pharyngeal mesoderm 인두굽이중배엽 X 인두굽이중배엽
Pharyngeomerism [Branchiomersim] 인두굽이분절 아가미분절 아가미분절
Puberty 성성숙기 사춘기 사춘기
Puerility 소아기 소아기 소아기
Pulmonary trunk 허파동맥 X 폐동맥, 허파동맥
Rudimentary organ 잔유기관 X 잔유기관
Sinovaginal bulb 굴질망울 동굴질망울 굴질망울
Sinoutricular bulb 굴소실망울 동굴소실망울 굴소실망울
Superovulation 과배란 과다배란 과배란, 배란과다
Umbilical ring 배꼽고리 X 배꼽고리
Urorectal septum 비뇨곧창자사이막 비뇨곧창자주름 비뇨곧창자사이막
Vesicular appendix 자궁관술곁자취 소포모양부속물, 자궁관술곁자 취 解(05) X
Vestige of ductus deferns 정관흔적 질곁정관 X
Zona pellucida 투명띠 투명층 투명띠, 투명층

KVAT (2008): Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology, 2008, KAT (1996): Korean Anatomical Terminology, 1996, KMA-MT (2009): Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology, 2009, 解(05): Korean Anatomical Terminology, 2005

: It should be correct or changed terms in the next version of KVAT, X: Inappropriate term in human, < >: Appropriate term in human.

Table 3.
Synonyms of KVAT (2008) and KAT (1996)
English terms KVAT (2008) KAT (1996) Synonym/Coments
Alar plate 날개판 [등가쪽판] 날개판 Dorsolateral plate
Anal pit 항문오목 [항문동]∗ 항문오목 Proctodeum
Archenteron 원시창자 원시창자 Primitive gut
Asexual reproduction 무성생식 무성생식 Agametogenesis
Auditary capsule 귀연골주머니 귀연골주머니 Otic capsule
Basal plate 바닥판 [배가쪽판] 바닥판 Ventrolateral plate
Blastocyst cavity 주머니배공간 주머니배공간 Blastocoele
Blastocyst 주머니배 주머니배 Blastula
Blastogenesis 배발생 X Pre-embryogenesis
Bulbar crest 팽대능선 팽대능선 Cardiac bulb
Caudal cardinal v. 뒤기본정맥 Posterior cardinal v.  
Cephalic flexure 머리굽이 머리굽이 Cranial flexure
Chorion laeve∗ 평활융모막 평활융모막 Smooth chorion
Clear area 투명구역 투명구역 Area pellucida
Cranial cardinal v. 앞기본정맥 Anterior cardinal v.  
Deuteroplasm 난황질 난황질 Vitellus
Dysmophsim 이상형태∗ 이상형태증 기형 Malformation
Ectoderm 외배엽 외배엽 Ectoblast
Embryonic sac 배아주머니 배자주머니 Embryocyst
Extraembryonic coelom 배아밖체강 배자밖체강 Exocoelom
Fetogenesis 태아발생 태아발생 Fetal genesis
First pharyngeal arch 첫째인두굽이 [턱뼈활]∗ 첫째굽이 턱뼈활 Mandibular arch
Floor plate 마루판 [배쪽판] 배쪽판 Ventral plate
Foregut 앞창자 앞창자 Pre-enteron
Gonadal ridge 생식샘능선 생식샘능선 Genital ridge
Hepatic diverticulum 간싹 간싹 Liver bud
Hindgut 뒤창자 뒤창자 Metenteron
Holoblastic cleavage 온분할 전체분할 Total cleavage
Hypophyseal pouch 뇌하수체주머니 뇌하수체주머니 Rathke's pouch
Inner cell mass 속세포덩이 속세포덩이 Embryoblast
Intermediate layer 중간층 [외투층] 외투층 Mantle layer
Intraembryonic coelom 배아속체강 배자속체강 Endocoelom
Involutional phase∗ 퇴화기 퇴화기 퇴화기
Table 3.
English terms KVAT (2008) KAT (1996) Synonym/Coments
Lactational phase 수유기 수유기 Lactiferous phase
Mesencephalon 중간뇌 [중뇌] 중간뇌 [중뇌] Midbrain
Mesoderm 중배엽 중배엽 Mesoblast
Mesoderm 내배엽 내배엽 Endoblast
Mesonephric duct 중간콩팥관 중간콩팥관 Wolffian duct
Metanephros 뒤콩팥 [완성콩팥] 뒤콩팥 Definitive kidney
Midgut 중간창자 중간창자 Mesenteron
Neuroenteric canal 신경창자관 신경창자관 Neurenteric canal
Notochordal process 척삭돌기 척삭돌기 Cephalic process
Oogenesis 난자발생 난자발생 Ovogenesis
Opaque area 불투명구역 불투명구역 Area opaca
Oropharyngeal membrane 입인두막 입인두막 Buccopharyngeal membrane
Otic placode 귀기원판 귀기원판 Auditory placode
Otic vesicle 귀소포 귀소포 Otocyst
Paramesonephric duct 중간콩팥곁관 중간콩팥곁관 Mullerian duct
Pharyngeomerism 인두굽이분절 아가미분절 Branchiomerism
Prosencephalon 앞뇌 [전뇌] 앞뇌 [전뇌] Forebrain
Remnant of vitelline duct 난황관흔적 난황관흔적 Mekel's diverticulum
Renal tubule 콩팥세관 콩팥세관 Uriniferous tubule
Roof plate 지붕판 [등쪽판] 등쪽판 Dorsal plate
Rostral neuropore 앞신경구멍 앞신경구멍 Cranial neuropore
Second pharyngeal arch 둘째인두굽이 [목뿔활] 둘째굽이 Hyoid arch
Sexual reproduction 유성생식 유성생식 Gametogenesis
Sigmoid heart 구불심장 구불심장 S-shaped heart
Somatic mesoderm 벽쪽중배엽 벽쪽중배엽 Parietal mesoderm
Splanchnic mesoderm 내장쪽중배엽 내장쪽중배엽 Visceral mesoderm
Ureteric bud 요관싹 요관싹 Metanephric diverticulum
Villous chorion 융모융모막 융모융모막 Frondose chorion

KVAT (2008): Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology, 2008, KAT(1996): Korean Anatomical Terminology, 1996, KMA-MT (2009): Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology, 2009

: It should be correct or changed terms in the next edition of KVAT, X: Inappropriate term in human. The ‘Synonym/Coments' column was shown the synonym of English term.

Table 4.
Correct Korean/English terms of the new edition from KVAT (2008)
English/Korean terms Next edition KVAT (2008) Coments
Anal pit [Proctodeum] 항문오목 [항문동] 항문오목 항문오목
Auricular hillock 귓바퀴결절 귓바퀴결절 Auricular tubercle 귓바퀴결절
Coitus 교미 교배 Coitus [Mating] 성교
Conception 수태 수태 [임신] 수태, 임신
Copulation 교접 교미 교미, 교접
Fecundation 수정 임신 수정
Frondose chorion 거친융모막 X 거친융모막
Horn cirrus 뿔털돌기 뿔작은더미 X
Indeterminate cell 부정형세포 비결정세포 부정형세포
Indeterminate cleavage 미정분할 비결정분할 미정분할
Infancy 유아기 유아/유아기 Infant/Infancy 유아기
Juvenility 유년기 유년/유년기 Juvenility/Adolescence 소아기, 청소년기
Multipara 다분만 다산 [경산] 다산부, 다분만부
Myeloid tissue 골수조직 뼈속질조직 [골수조직] 골수조직, 뼈속질조직
Neurulation 신경관형성 신경배형성 신경관형성
Nullipara 미분만 미분만 [미경산] 미분만부
Optic placode 시각기원판 눈기원판 시각기원판
Optic recess 시신경오목 눈오목 시(각)신경오목
Ovoplasm [Ooplasm] 난형질 [난모세포질] 난자형질 난형질, 난모세포질
Partus 분만물 분만 분만, 출생
Placentation 태반형성 태반발생 태반형성
Puberty 성성숙기 성성숙/성성숙기 사춘기
Puerility 소아기 소아/소아기 Child/Chikldhood 소아기
Rudimentary organ 잔유기관 흔적기관 잔유기관
Schistosoma reflexum 뒤굽이가슴배갈림증 굽은가슴배갈림증 X
Scrotal swelling 음낭융기 음낭능선 Scrotal ridge X
Senility 노령기 노화기 [노령기] Senility, Senile phase 노년, 노쇠
Stomodeal epithelium 입오목상피 구강상피 X
Umbilical ring 배꼽고리 배꼽테 배꼽고리
Vestige of ductus deferens 정관흔적 정관자취 X

KVAT (2008): Korean Veterinary Anatomical Terminology, 2008

It should be correct or changed the English terms in the next edition of KVAT, X: Inappropriate term in human, The ‘Coments' column was shown the term of the Korean Medical Association: Medical Terminology, 2009.

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