Purpose of this study was to analyze research on the service design process applied to domestic medical service areas.
A review was made through domestic databases including RISS, KISS, DBpia, and NDSL and for the analysis framework: a medical service classification code which integrated the medical service area and the design fields.
In the healthcare service field there were 9 studies (69.2%) in the medical area, 1 study (7.7%) each in nursing and oriental medicine, and 2 studies (15.4%) in healthcare. According to analysis results based on the medical service classification code, there were 5 studies in prevention and management, 6 studies in curative care, 1 each in rehabilitation and ancillary care. Double diamond process was used in 8 studies.
Service design was applied mainly to the curative care in the domestic medical settings but little research on service design in the long-term nursing care area was identified. As a strategy to improve the quality of nursing service, it is necessary to adopt the service design process for various nursing service areas in Korea.
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