Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.23(3) > 1051913

Yom, Yang, and Han: Effects of Workplace Bullying, Job Stress, Self-esteem, and Burnout on the Intention of University Hospital Nurses to Keep Nursing Job



Medical institutions and their patients benefit from continued employment of nurses. In this study an assessment was done of important factors that influence nurses' intention to leaving their jobs.


The sample consisted of 229 university hospital nurses. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé, Pearson's Correlation Analysis, and Hierarchical Multiple Regression.


The control variables, including age, current position, and health status explained 18% (F=16.37, p<.001) of variance in retention intention. The control variables, bullying, job stress, self-esteem, and burnout collectively explained 27% of variance in retention intention.


The findings indicate that the factors influencing retention intention are age, current position, and health status, while self-esteem and burnout in work places are new and more recent factors that impact retention intention. These findings can be utilized to develop strategies to increase self-esteem and retention intention.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

General Characteristics of Participants (N=229)

Table 2

Means and Correlations for Variables (N=229)

Table 3

Differences in the Bullying, Job Stress, Self-esteem, Burnout, and Nurse's Intention by General Characteristics (N=229)


a, b, c, d, e=Scheffé test.

Table 4

Results of Hierarchical Regression on Nurse's Intention to Stay in Job



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