Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.23(1) > 1051904

Kim, Kim, Jung, Kim, and You: A Literature Review of Team Effectiveness on Hospital Nursing Units



The purpose of this study was to analyze literature related to nursing team effectiveness and to summarize the definition variables included, measurement tools, and findings. Basic data on operation and research for team effectiveness in nursing units was sought.


A literature search was performed to identify all studies published between 2003 and 2016 from periodicals indexed in PUBMED, CINAHL, SCIENCE DIRECT, RISS, KISS, and NAL databases. The following keywords were used in the search: ‘team effectiveness’, ‘nurse’, ‘nursing’, and ‘hospital’. Ten studies were analyzed.


The analysis included domestic and international literature on nursing team effectiveness. The foreign literature included studies of various organizations including nurses, use of various research tools, leadership programs and/or new nursing delivery systems. In the Korean studies, most of the research on team effectiveness surveyed nurses on team satisfaction, team commitment, and team performance in general nursing units, operating rooms, and intensive care units.


The findings show the necessity to develop a definition of team effectiveness that can be accepted comprehensively in nursing organizations in Korea. The definition should reflect team effectiveness that includes all cooperating units not only nurses of the nursing unit but also all other related health care teams.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

The process of selection of researches related to nursing team effectiveness.

Table 1

Criteria of Team Outcomes

Table 2

The List of Researches of selected Nursing Team Effectiveness

Table 3

Analysis of Researches of selected Nursing Team Effectiveness


N=umber of tool items; PS=Peer satisfaction; TS=Team satisfaction; TC=Team commitment; RTP=Recognition of teamperformance.


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