Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.22(4) > 1051873

Kim and Park: Influences of Customer Orientation, Emotional Labor, Unit Manager-nurse Exchange and Relational Bonds on Nurses' Turnover Intension



The study was done to investigate nurses' customer orientation, emotional labor, unit manager-nurse exchange and relational bonds and to identify the factors affecting nurses' turnover intentions.


A cross-sectional survey was conducted using self-report questionnaires. The participants in this study were 276 nurses in tertiary hospital located in a metropolitan city, Korea. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression with the SPSS program 22.0.


The mean scores were 3.74±0.90 (out of 5) for turnover intention, 5.31±0.87 (out of 7) for customer orientation, 4.82±0.96 (out of 7) for emotional labor, 3.58±0.61 (out of 7) for relational bonds, and 3.18±0.57 (out of 5) for unit manager-nurse exchange. Factors influencing turnover intention were 'emotional labor' (β=.39, p<.001), 'unit manager-nurse exchange' (β=-.22, p<.001), 'financial bonds' (β=-.19, p<.001), 'perceived economic status' (β=-.15 p=.003) and 'career' (β=.14, p=.005). These factors explained 34.9% of the variance in turnover intension (F=30.46, p<.001).


Findings indicate that to reduce nurses' turnover intention in the hospital, there is a need to improve unit manager-nurse exchange and to manage strategies lowering nurses' emotional labor.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

The Differences in Turnover Intention, Customer Orientation, Emotional Labor, UM-Nurse Exchange, and Relational Bonds by Participants' Characteristics (N=276)


Age (M±SD)=27.38±4.92 yr; UM=Unit manager; Others=Out-patient department or special diagnostic test room, MW=Medical ward, SW=Surgical ward, ICU=Intensive care unit, ER=Emergency room, OR=Operating room.

Table 2

Customer Orientation, Emotional Labor, Unit Manager-Nurse Exchange, Relational Bonds, and Turnover Intention among Nurses (N=276)

Table 3

Correlations among Study Variables (N=276)

Table 4

Predictors of Turnover Intention among Nurses (N=276)



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