Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.21(4) > 1051812

Lee and Yom: Role of Self-leadership and Social Support in the Relationship between Job Embeddedness and Job Performance among General Hospital Nurses



The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of nurses' job performance with job embeddedness, self-leadership and social support and the role of self-leadership and social support in the relation between job embeddedness and job performance among general hospital nurses.


The participants for this study were 244 nurses from 3 general hospitals in Seoul and Gyunggi Province. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation and Hierarchical Multiple Regression.


Job performance showed positive correlations with job embeddedness (r=.56, p<.001), self-leadership(r=.68, p<.001), organizational support (r=.30, p<.001), supervisors' support (r=.31, p<.001) and colleagues' support (r=.31, p<.001). Job embeddedness and self-leadership had significant influence on nurses' job performance. However self-leadership and social support did not show moderating effects of job embeddedness on nurses' job performance.


These findings indicate that job embeddednes and self-leadership are important factors to enhance nurses' job performance. Therefore, promoting activities for job embeddedness and self-leadership might be a way to increase nurses' job performance. As there was no moderating effects of self-leadership and social support on job embeddedness and job performance, further studies are necessary to refine these findings in different environments.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1

Conceptual framework.

Table 1

Demographic Characteristics of Participants (N=244)

Table 2

Differences of Job Performance by General Characteristics (N=244)


a, b, c, d=Scheffé test.

Table 3

Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Job Embeddedness, Self-leadership, Social Support, and Job Performance (N=244)


JE=Job embeddedness; SL=Self-leadership; SS=Social support; JP=Job performance.

Table 4

Summary of Hierarchical Multiple Linear Regression with Job Performance (N=244)


JE=Job embeddedness; SL=Self-leadership; SS=Social support.


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