Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.20(3) > 1051750

Lim and Yi: Comparison of Operating Room Nurses and General Ward Nurses on Communicative Competence and Interpersonal Relationship Ability within the Medical Team



The purpose was to compare operating room (OR) nurses and general ward nurses on their communication competence and interpersonal relationship ability within the medical team.


Participants were 276 nurses (OR 122, ward 154) working in one of 4 university hospitals located in I and K areas. Data were collected using a questionnaire and data collection was done in June, 2013. Comparisons between OR nurses and general ward nurses on communication competence and interpersonal relationship ability were analyzed using ANCOVA.


There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in communication competence (F=11.96, p=.001) with average score for OR nurses at 3.37 points and ward nurses at 3.53 points. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in interpersonal relationship ability (F=15.51, p<.001) with the average score for OR nurses at 3.30 points and ward nurses at 3.50 points.


The results indicate a need to develop a variety of programs to promote communication competence in OR nurses and to enhance the openness of interpersonal relationship ability in human resource management.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
General Characteristics of Operating Nurses and General Ward Nurses (N=276)
Table 2
Differences in Communicative Competence and Interpersonal Relationship Ability between Operation Room Nurses and General Ward Nurses (N=276)
Table 3
Comparison between Operation Room Nurses and General Ward Nurses on Communicative Competence Subfactors (N=276)

*Measured by ANCOVA with age and clinical experience variables as covariate.

Table 4
Comparison between Operation Room Nurses and General Ward Nurses on Interpersonal Relationship Ability Subfactors (N=276)

*Measured by ANCOVA with age and clinical experience variables as covariate.


This article is a revision of the first author's master's thesis from Gachon University.


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