Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.17(4) > 1051620

Kim and Kim: A Review of Research on Hospital Nurses' Turnover Intention



The purpose of this study was to review articles, thesis and dissertation on turnover intention of hospital nurses in order to identify overall trends in turnover intention of nurses and suggest strategies for reducing turnover intention.


Thirty research papers on turnover intention of nurses were reviewed.


These papers were journal articles and thesis regarding nurses who worked in general wards, intensive nursing units, and emergency rooms in hospital. The tools used to measure turnover intention were Lawler (1983), Mobley (1982), and Lee (1995), and others. Most of tools were composed of 1-11 items, with 4-7 point Likert scales. Reported reliability was .55 to .91. The mean score for turnover intention was between 2.40 and 3.85. The important results revealed that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and stress affected turnover intention of hospital nurses.


The findings from this review indicate that to reduce turnover intention for hospital nurses, a nurse manager should increase job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and reduce stress by developing a good culture and work climate. Moreover it is necessary to assess stress and job satisfaction of nurses, and to manage nurses' welfare, including night duty policy, salary, and career ladder.

Figures and Tables

Figure 1
Process of exclusion data for study
Table 1
List of Reviewed Articles (n=30)
Table 2
Types and Location of Hospitals in Articles by Year
Table 3
Distribution of Number of Nurse Subjects and Hospitals (n=30)
Table 4
Tools and Mean of Turnover Intention (n=30)
Table 5
Related General Characteristics to Turnover Intention (n=30)

T.I. ; Turnover Intention

Table 6
Related Variables to Turnover Intention by Correlation Analysis (n=30)
Table 7
Affected Variables to Turnover Intention by Regression Analysis (n=30)


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