Journal List > J Korean Acad Nurs Adm > v.16(3) > 1051552

Lim, Im, Kim, and Ko: An Evaluation of Effects on Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Management of a Community-Based Nursing Care Center Using Cost-Benefit Analysis



This study was conducted to evaluate the economic efficiency of a community-based nursing care center to help policy makers determine whether or not to invest in similar facilities.


The subjects were 101 elderly people over 65 years who participated in a health management program from February 1 to July 31, 2007. Direct cost was estimated with center operations cost, medical cost for out-patients and pharmacy cost. Indirect cost was measured by transportation cost. Direct benefit was calculated by saved medical cost for out-patients, saved pharmacy cost, saved transportation cost, and reducing hospital charges. Indirect benefit was estimated with prevention of severe complications. Economic efficiency was evaluated by cost-benefit ratio and net benefit.


Operating a community-based nursing care center was found to be cost-effective. Specifically, the cost of operating the center evaluated here was estimated at 135 million won while the benefit was estimated at 187 million won. Benefit-cost ratio was 1.38.


The Community-based nursing care center that was described here could be a useful health care delivery system for reducing medical expenditures.

Figures and Tables

Table 1
Characteristics of subjects* (N=101)

*Missing value excluded; Multiple choice; DM= Diabetes mellitus; §CVA=Cerebro vascular accident

SBP=Systolic blood pressure; DBP=Diastolic blood pressure

Table 2
Cost analysis of community based intensive nursing care center for elderly

*OPC=Out patient clinic;

Patient number of OPC visit per month × Average cost of OPC per visit × Average number of OPC visit per month;

Patient number of pharmacy visit per month × Average pharmacy cost of pharmacy per visit × Average number of pharmacy visit per month;

§Public transportation cost per one time

Table 3
Benefit analysis of community based intensive nursing care center for elderly

*Number of reduced OPC visit per month; Number of reduced pharmacy visit per month;

Number of managed hypertension patient per month × Hospital admission rate of hypertension × Average hospital charges of hypertension patient per year;

§ Number of managed DM patient per month × Hospital admission rate of DM × Average hospital charges of DM patient per year;

Number of managed hypertension patient per month × Severe complications rate of hypertension × Average hospital charges of severe hypertension complications per year;

Number of managed DM patient per month × Severe complications rate of DM × Average hospital charges of severe DM complications per year;

Table 4
Summary of cost-benefit analysis and sensitivity analysis

*PAR=Population attributable risk


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